Josh Trank admits that he quit his planned 'Star Wars' film before he was fired.

In 2014, the 36-year-old filmmaker had been lined up to helm a standalone movie based on the character of Boba Fett but he left the project less than a year later.

Josh had claimed this was a personal decision, although there were reports that he had been dismissed from the project for his behaviour on set of his panned 'Fantastic Four' movie.

He now admits that he jumped before he was pushed.

Josh told Polygon: ''I quit because I knew I was going to be fired if I didn't quit.''

He recalled how he had planned out the potential movie whilst walking back from 'Star Wars' creator George Lucas' house.

Josh said: ''The visions I had in that moment were just out of this world.''

The 'Chronicle' director revealed that he used to avoid commenting on the unmade film and is surprised it hasn't ''blown over''.

He said: ''It just hasn't blown over. People get so excited to raise their pitchforks. I knew that this was going to be questioned and it was going to come under scepticism as to why I left 'Star Wars', and it was hard.''

Josh also revealed that he became so ''paranoid'' when making 'Fantastic Four' - which flopped with both critics and audiences - that he slept with a gun during production.

He said that his fear came from fan backlash to his decision to cast Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, a white character in the Marvel comics.

Josh explained: ''I was getting threats on IMDb message boards saying that they were going to shoot me.

''I was so f***ing paranoid during that shoot. If someone came into my house, I would have ended their f***ing life. When you're in a head space where people want to get you, you think, 'I'm going to defend myself.'''