Bryce Dallas Howard Graduates Two Decades After First Enrolling At University

  • 22 May 2020

Bryce Dallas Howard has graduated more than two decades after first enrolling at New York University.

The 'Jurassic World' star enrolled at the university's Tisch School of the Arts in 1999, before taking a sabbatical to focus on her acting career, but she's now celebrated the end of her ''formal education'' and paid tribute to her fellow graduates.

Bryce wrote on Instagram: ''I am so overcome with joy to share that I have officially graduated from NYU!!

''I first enrolled in undergrad in '99, then took a leave of absence to start working as an actor, so this has been 21 years in the making!

''It's been a long dream of mine to complete my formal education and though all of us NYU grads couldn't wear glorious purple robes together today, I want to say thank you to everyone who supported and encouraged all of us graduates every step of the way.

''To the class of 2020, WE MADE IT. (sic)''

The 39-year-old actress - who also teaches at the institution - wrote an open letter to her Nine Muses Lab graduates and encouraged them to stay connected with each other, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic.

She wrote: ''Reach out to people who inspire you, excite you, impress you, fascinate you - folks who might be acquaintances rather than your best friend.

''Reach out to peers and find ways to consistently connect with one another post-graduation.''

In the letter, Bryce admitted she was uncertain about how the entertainment industry will look ''on the other side'' of the health crisis.

But the Hollywood star is sure her students - and fellow graduates - will do just fine.

She continued: ''I have no idea what in the world the entertainment and storytelling industry will look like on the other side of this, but I can for sure have a say in the matter of who I am standing beside, and who is standing beside me.

''You are all going to 'make it.' You just are. You are all winners and I know you are ALL going to make it -- either in the conventional sense, or the unconventional sense. (sic)''