George Clooney stars alongside Sandra Bullock in director Alfonso Cuaron's adrift in space thriller, Gravity. The three assembled at The Explorer’s Club in New York for a pre-premiere, private meet-up where they were also asked a handful of questions on the movie and themselves, when Clooney was asked about his own ideas of space and whether he would ever visit.

George Clooney
Clooney drifts through space in the new film

"No," was his stern and simple answer at the subject of leaving the atmosphere. Basically, he doesn't “see any reason” as to why he would want to trust such a technical innovation at such an early stage of it's development, and rather than jump right on board he would rather wait first and see if it is actually worth flying with Virgin Galactic into space.

“You know how Richard Branson’s sending people to space? You know what you don’t do? Don’t be the first one on that trip!” He joked to the Wall Street Journal, referring other failed 'innovations' such as the Chevrolet Vega.

“Remember when the Vega came out and they got car of the year? Maybe wait a little while before you jump on it."

With co-star Sandra Bullock

Gravity has been delighting audiences throughout the summer/autumn as it opened across various film festivals and private screenings to wide-spread acclaim. When the film is put on general release throughout America this Friday (4 October), Clooney and co. will hope that it will capitalise on this praise and become a success. The film has received little in the way of negative press so far and currently sits with a thoroughly impressive 97% on critic aggregator

As for Clooney, he may have more than Gravity - which is being heralded as Oscar-worthy for Bullock's acting and Cuaron's direction - pulling him towards the Oscars next year when he returns to writing and directing himself in The Monuments Men. The WWII-set drama about a special force made up of art historians and curators who risked their lives to save the many priceless works of art at threat from the Nazis and may end up lending Clooney another golden statuette from the Academy.

Watch the trailer for Gravity