While the circumstances surrounding Demi Lovato's overdose and hospitalisation this week remain undisclosed, a recording of the call that her friend made to emergency services has surfaced. It doesn't give a lot away regarding the incident, but it certainly colours what we know so far.

Demi Lovato performing liveDemi Lovato performing live

In the call, Demi's name is not mentioned, but we do hear a worried female friend of hers talking things through with the 911 operator. She explains that 'the patient' is upstairs accompanied by some other friends, as the operator requests that they send someone out to flag down the ambulance. 

The friend then says, 'Wait, no sirens, right?' either misunderstanding what was being said or as a request to keep the situation as private as possible. Either way, the operator insists there will be sirens given that it is a 'medical emergency'.

Demi was discovered unconscious in her Hollywood home on Tuesday afternoon (July 24th) and it was reported that paramedics administered the anti-opioid drug Narcan, or naloxone, before rushing her to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. The 25-year-old 'Sober' singer hasn't yet personally commented on the incident.

A source told Entertainment Tonight that the situation had been a wake-up call for Demi.

'Demi lost control', they claimed. 'The overdose has been a wakeup call to Demi that she needs to get more serious about her sobriety and is telling friends and family she will do everything it takes to get back to the amazing place she was in before she slipped.'

It was also suggested that Demi's struggle to stay sober has been far from recent, despite her apparently celebrating six years of sobriety back in March. Meanwhile, E! reported that Demi was 'heading straight to rehab', and that she had been having 'issues' over the past few months with her sobriety coach Mike Bayer.

'The decision has been made for Demi to be taken away from LA to get better', a source said. 'She and Mike were so close for so long, but this past few months there have been issues. The focus now is to reconnect her to her sober network before she can even think about getting back to LA, where she ended up falling back in with the wrong crowd.'

It was also reported in E! that Demi's overdose came after several instances of partying over the last few months. In the hours leading up to her hospitalisation, she had apparently been out celebrating a choreographer's birthday on Monday night, knocking back shots before venturing back to Demi's place for a further 12 hours of partying.

More: Demi Lovato hospitalised after suspected overdose

This is all to be confirmed, of course, but it seems a general concensus from all unofficial sources that she had been hanging around with people who did not have her best interests at heart.