Amber Heard and Johnny Depp have a ''fairly normal'' relationship.

The 'Magic Mike XXL' star, who married the actor on his private island in the Bahamas in February, insists they are like most other couples, but admits they struggle to make time to see each other.

The 29-year-old actress told the July issue of America's Elle magazine: ''We have a fairly normal, um [relationship]. I guess, we do our best. He has his life, and I have mine, and our challenge is to be able to find time to be together.

''We're very happy. Very.''

The couple live in a compound in Los Angeles, and Amber's sister Whitney and a few of her friends also lives in another property on the grounds.

The blonde beauty added she is still getting used to the attention surrounding their relationship and poked fun at rumours their marriage is already on the rocks.

She said: ''I'm already probably pregnant and divorced. It's been a month, so clearly there's some trouble. Clearly I'm pregnant, or clearly it's great and we're buying ponies.''

Amber is now eager to shift the focus on their relationship back on to her career.

She said: ''Ironically, the people with whom I choose to share my life or by whom I'm compelled just so happen to be unwitting proponents, like a distracting force.

''I'm in a very similar type of situation and have my career that I've been working hard for now, and yet I still am constantly confronted with these forces that can distract or deflect from where I see my real work.''