Amy Schumer And Emily Ratajkowski Among Kavanaugh Protestors Arrested

  • 05 October 2018

Comedian and actress Amy Schumer was among of the number of people arrested during a protest against the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court this week.

On Thursday (October 4th), thousands of mainly female protestors descended on America’s capital Washington D.C. to march against Kavanaugh’s highly controversial appointment by president Donald Trump as a conservative nomination to the Supreme Court, in light of a number of women coming forward to claim that he had sexually assaulted them in the past.

Starting at the appeals court where Kavanaugh currently works, protestors marched on Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court, chanting “Kavanaugh has got to go!”

Police rounded the protesters up in the Hart Senate office building after they sat down and refused to budge, and it was here that 37 year old Schumer was arrested along with around 300 protestors.

A video shared on social media showed the Hollywood star being herded into a group of other protestors by a policeman, who asks her: “Do you want to be arrested?” She replies: “Yes”.

More: Amy Schumer: “stop saying you’re scared to be around women”

27 year old model Emily Ratajkowski was another celebrity attending Thursday’s march, also taking to social media to air her grievance against Kavanaugh’s nomination.

She wrote that she “was arrested protesting the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault,” adding “men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.”

Following Kavanaugh’s fiery testimony last week, along with that of one of his accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, Republicans had earlier on Thursday declared that an FBI report had exonerated him of sexual assault allegations.

But Democrats said the five-day inquiry was “incomplete” because it was limited by the White House. The Senate will hold a procedural vote on the nomination on Friday, one which may see Kavanaugh rewarded with the lifetime post to the Supreme Court and tip the balance of the nine-judge set-up in favour of conservativism.

More: Amy Schumer recalls her strangest escapades [archive]