Calvin Harris Involved In Another Car Crash While Out With Girlfriend

  • 09 May 2018

Calvin Harris and his girlfriend Aarika Wolf were left shaken but uninjured after a nasty car accident in Beverly Hills. Police were called, two other passengers were left 'in pain', and there appears to be a dispute between sources about how the accident was caused and who was to blame.

Image caption Calvin Harris at the Brit Awards

The couple were apparently driving down a residential street on Sunday (May 6th 2018) in a Range Rover with Aarika at the wheel when she accidentally ran into a Honda in front of them and injured two women, setting off their airbags and causing the vehicle to spin around according to TMZ.

There seems to be a disagreement on how the accident was caused, however. The publication initially reported that the Range Rover hit the Honda when the latter was turning left into a driveway, though another statement suggest that the Honda was pulled over and then moved into the lane ahead of the Range Rover 'without warning'.

TMZ also revealed that the passengers in the Honda were planning on filing a police report, and were angry that Calvin and his girlfriend did not ask if they were okay. Instead, the couple apparently waited inside a nearby home for an SUV to pick them up while both vehcicles involved in the crash were towed.

In a now deleted Twitter post, Calvin wrote: 'I promised myself I'd never do anything worthy of appearing in TMZ ever again but sadly this was out of my control thankfully everyone is ok.'

More: Calvin Harris objects to Tories using his music

Calvin was involved in a serious car crash in 2016, though he wasn't so lucky then. He was sent to hospital with minor injuries and was forced to cancel a gig after a red Volkswagen Beetle plowed into his black SUV. Some of the passengers in the Beetle - which was full of teenagers - were also left injured though no-one was seriously hurt.