Robert De Niro Blasts Donald Trump And Roseanne Barr

  • 05 April 2018

Robert De Niro has sounded off about Donald Trump again, this time taking aim at the president supporters as well as the NRA.

The two-time Oscar winner was speaking an interview ahead of the Tribeca Film Festival 2018, alongside the event’s co-founder Jane Rosenthal this week. He was asked about the success of the recent revival of sitcom ‘Roseanne’, whose writer and star Roseanne Barr is a publicly outspoken Trump supporter.

“I’ve never seen her show before, I didn’t know she was supporting Trump, but I have no interest in that,” De Niro told IndieWire. “We’re at a point with all of us this where it’s beyond trying to see another person’s point of view. There are ways you can talk about that, but we’re at a point where the things that are happening in our country are so bad and it comes from Trump.”

Image caption Robert De Niro really doesn't like Trump, or his supporters

In the context of everything that’s happening, De Niro has said that opponents of Trump should be in no mood to reach out and try to understand his supporters.

“I don’t care about ‘Roseanne’,” he concluded. “They want that thing, fine. We have real issues in this country.”

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“The people that I care about are those young people who demonstrated,” he said, talking about the March For Our Lives movement in the wake of the Parkland school massacre. “They’re the future. They know. They say, ‘We’ll remember in November.’ They’re the ones that feel the way we do, not the way the gun lovers and the NRA do, with all that idiocy to the point of absurdity.”

The 74 year old actor has long been on record as despising the Trump presidency and administration, saying as far back as late 2016 that he is dismissed the president as a “f***ing idiot” and a “f***ing fool,” then hit him with a new nickname: “jerk-off-in-chief.”

Only last month, De Niro repeated his belief that the 45th president was “still an idiot” and vowed to continue saying so. “As long as our country’s leadership is so appalling and so corrupt, I’ll be speaking out at every venue… to be silent in the face of such villainy is to be complicit.”

More: Robert De Niro labels Donald Trump “the Baby-in-Chief” at awards gala