Tobias Menzies Confirmed As The Next Prince Philip In 'The Crown'

  • 29 March 2018

The leading male role of Netflix's 'The Crown' has finally been announced for Season 3, with Tobias Menzies set to play Prince Philip opposite Olivia Colman for the next two seasons. He'll be replacing Season 1 and 2's Matt Smith, who recently found himself amid a gender pay gap media storm.

Image caption Tobias Menzies at an 'Outlander' premiere

With Olivia Colman to play Queen Elizabeth II as she continues the second decade of her reign, the Golden Globe nominated star of 'Outlander' will join her as her husband Prince Philip for Season 3 which is set to begin filming in the summer. He's also signed on for Season 4.

Originally in talks for the role was Paul Bettany, though he was forced to drop out of the series being unable to stick to the time commitments. Helena Bonham Carter, however, has remained on board to replace Vanessa Kirby as Elizabeth's younger sister Princess Margaret; a fine role for her as she once played the sisters' mother in 'The King's Speech'.

Tobias Menzies' qualifications for this royal role are just as impressive; he's the Duke of Cornwall in the upcoming 'King Lear' TV movie, and he played the knights Edmure Tully and Black Jack Randall in 'Game of Thrones' and 'Outlander' respectively.

The big question is what will his salary be compared to Colman's? After it was revealed that Matt Smith earned more than Claire Foy - who played Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth in the previous two seasons - there was a huge backlash surrounding equality in pay.

Producers tried to justify the situation by claiming that Matt Smith was more expensive due to his role in 'Doctor Who', but eventually apologised for the situation to both viewers and the cast. Claire Foy broke her silence on the issue earlier this month, saying 'it's odd to find yourself at the centre [of a story] that you didn't particularly ask for'.

More: Claire Foy opens up about gender pay gap controversy

Suzanne Mackie, a producer on the series, did at least insist that no-one would be paid above the actress in the lead role in the coming seasons.