Jimmy Kimmel Has A Field Day With Donald Trump's Oscars Remark

  • 08 March 2018

Jimmy Kimmel has hit back at Donald Trump over his Oscars jibe, after the President pointed out the low ratings of the show last week. It was quite the clapback, and he went further with it during his opening monologue on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' yesterday.

Image caption Jimmy Kimmel at the LGBT Gala Awards

If it's not Oprah or Alec Baldwin, it's the Academy Awards! In yet another instance of the President putting his focus on the trivial issues of the day, he took to Twitter following the 90th Oscars show to comment on the fact that it received its lowest ratings yet - but host Jimmy Kimmel isn't having any of it.

'Lowest rated Oscars in HISTORY. Problem is, we don't have Stars anymore - except your President (just kidding, of course)!' Trump said.

Jimmy immediately retorted with: 'Thanks, lowest rated President in HISTORY.'

It's distinctly odd that Trump is conflating the ratings of the Oscars with anything other than lower TV ratings altogether - after all, the same thing has happened with this year's Grammys and even the Super Bowl.

'Trump loves saying the ratings are down to insinuate that's a show of some kind of support for him, but the truth is, every year since Netflix happened, ratings are down for every big TV show', Jimmy pointed out on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'. 'But Trump thinks he caused the ratings to go down.'

He also went on to remind viewers that, low ratings or not, his response to the President's Tweet got more than twice as many 'likes'. But Trump wasn't getting off that easily; Jimmy then came right back with another barbed remark about his relationship with First Lady Melania Trump.

More: Jimmy Kimmel gets a touching surprise from Ellen DeGeneres

'Trump always has a problem with the Academy Awards which is surprising because I really think he would love the Best Picture winner 'The Shape of Water'', he said. 'If you haven't seen it, it's about a monster who has sex with a woman who can't talk about it. It's like [Trump's] life story!'