Meghan Markle Opens Up About Racial Discrimination In Hollywood

  • 22 March 2017

Meghan Markle is shedding more light on the discrimination she’s faced in Hollywood for being biracial.

The ‘Suits’ actress, who is dating Prince Harry, opened up to Allure magazine about the inequality she’s experienced based on the colour of her skin, including magazines airbrushing out her freckles for photoshoots.

Image caption Meghan Markle is getting real about racial discrimination in Hollywood

Markle said that growing up in a family with an African-American and Caucasian father she always felt a ‘sense of belonging, having nothing to do with the colour of my skin’.

However when she left home for Hollywood, Markle began to experience discrimination and was often labelled as ‘ethnically ambiguous,’ for castings. “Was I Latina? Sephardic? ‘Exotic Caucasian’?” Markle recalled.

“Add the freckles to the mix and it created quite the conundrum," she continued. “To this day, my pet peeve is when my skin tone is changed and my freckles are airbrushed out of a photo shoot.”

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But the actress had a special message for any of her ‘freckle-faced friends out there’. Markle said: “I will share with you something my dad told me when I was younger: ‘A face without freckles is a night without stars.’”

Last year Markle also spoke on the subject of discrimination in a moving essay for her lifestyle blog The Tig. “Being 'ethnically ambiguous', as I was pegged in the industry, meant I could audition for virtually any role,” she wrote.

“Sadly, it didn't matter: I wasn't black enough for the black roles and I wasn't white enough for the white ones, leaving me somewhere in the middle as the ethnic chameleon who couldn't book a job.”