John Williams Greets Musical 'Star Wars' Fans Outside His Home

  • 20 July 2016

Celebrities and iconic popular figures have got to be used to elaborate fan moments occurring almost every day of their lives, but it's always heart-warming to see a little appreciation for it. John Williams proved to be an excellent sport when two musicians showed up outside his house to serenade him with 'Star Wars'.

Image caption John Williams makes a fan's day

When 13-year-old trumpeter Bryce Hayashi (the high notes) and his flugelhorn-playing pal Michael 'Mickle' Miller set up their instruments and music stand outside legendary movie composer John Williams' LA home on July 11th 2016, they can't have expected to be greeted by the master in person.

However, after a flawless rendition of the 'Star Wars' theme music, filmed by a friend from down the street in a video which has since gone viral, the 84-year-old waved at them from his front door and went over to meet the young maestros with some encouragement from the lady behind the camera.

'I started to listen, I thought, 'Oh, they will never make it' and they did it!' He told the team with a big grin as he stretched out his hand to Hayashi. The experience was definitely worth the time they put into practice, playing first in what looked like an underground car park just to warm up.

For those who don't know, John Williams is responsible for pretty much every iconic movie theme ever including 'Harry Potter', 'Jaws', 'Indiana Jones', 'Superman', 'E.T.', 'Home Alone', 'Jurassic Park'... the list goes on. 'Star Wars' is probably his most famous piece of music, even more so as he continues to work on the franchise with 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' and 'Star Wars: Episode VIII' coming up.

More: John Williams receives a Lifetime Achievement Award

John Williams is practically musical royalty being the recipient of 5 Oscars and 22 Grammys, and yet he's still down-to-Earth enough to take time out of his day to say hi to some dedicted admirers. He's officially the coolest.