E'Dena Hines Had No Drama In Relationship

  • 18 August 2015

Morgan Freeman's step-granddaughter spoke ''positively'' of boyfriend Lamar Davenport, who has been charged with her murder.

Friends of E'Dena Hines, who was stabbed to death outside her New York City home in the early hours of Sunday morning (16.08.15), are shocked that her partner could be capable of such violence and say they had a happy relationship.

Pal Tami Dunn told PEOPLE.com: ''There was nothing in her relationship with Lamar that indicated this type of trouble.

''At least, she didn't tell her friends about it. He was quiet and not the most social person I had ever met, but he didn't have any dark energy.''

Davenport was charged with second-degree murder on Monday (17.08.15) after being taken into custody at the scene of the crime.

Tami added: ''He seemed to love her, and she talked about him positively, whenever she talked about him. That's why it's such a shock.''

Meanwhile, neighbour George Hudacko says he was awoken by the sounds of ''grunting and moaning'' and noticed E'Dena lying on the floor outside.

Hudacko says he heard ''screaming and the name 'Lamar'.''

He added: ''I heard that same man saying, 'In the name of Jesus Lord God, Demons, I command you.' Or something like that. He thought he was doing an exorcism.''

Oscar winner Freeman, 78, paid tribute to his 33-year-old step-granddaughter in a statement on Sunday.

He said: ''The world will never know her artistry and talent, and how much she had to offer,'' he said. ''Her friends and family were fortunate enough to have known what she meant as a person.

''Her star will continue to shine bright in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. May she rest in peace.''