Jaycee Chan Released From "Harsh" Chinese Prison, Apologises For Drug Use

  • 15 February 2015

Jaycee Chan, Jackie Chan's son, has been freed from jail on drug charges. The 32-year-old actor was arrested in August 2014 after police found 100 grams of marijuana at his Beijing apartment. He was immediately imprisoned but formally charged with "the crime of sheltering others to take drugs" in December 2014. He was released on Saturday (14th February) after serving his six month sentence.

Image caption Jackie Chan's son has apologised for his drug use at a press conference in Beijing.

Read More: Jackie Chan's Son Jaycee Sentenced To Six Months Behind Bars On Drug Charge.

Chan appeared at a press conference in Beijing shortly after his release and apologised for his actions. "As a public figure, this incident has had a negative impact on society, disappointed people who supported me, and caused losses for people who have worked with me," Chan said at the press conference, as Reuters reports.

Chan also claimed the Chinese justice system had changed his attitude and promised to focus on his acting career in the future, as the Mail reports. Chan, who was born in Los Angeles, has appeared in a number of low budget Chinese films. "After this correction by the justice system, I have changed my outlook on life and my values," Chan told the press.

Chan revealed, as the Mail reports, how conditions in the prison were "quite harsh". He was reportedly shown no leniency despite claims his father's political connections may have ensured his son had an easier stay in prison or a shorter sentence.

Chan's imprisonment was particularly embarrassing for his father Jackie Chan. Jackie was an anti-drugs ambassador for China at the time of his son's arrest and issued a public apology for Jaycee's drug use, promising to help with his rehabilitation once he was released from prison.

Read More: Jackie Chan's Son Jaycee Chan Is Finally Charged Over Cannabis Incident.