New Court Documents Detail Sandra Bullock's Terrifying Encounter With Stalker

  • 17 July 2014

A series of search warrants obtained by a US entertainment website detail the terrifying encounter actress Sandra Bullock endured when a stalker broke into her house at the beginning of June.

Image caption Sandra Bullock discovered her stalker outside her bedroom door in June.

Read More: Sandra Bullock's Intruder Faces New Charges For Owning 'Arsenal Of Weapons'.

The incident occurred last month, on 8th June, when Bullock was awoken at 6am by banging coming from a room on the third floor of her Hollywood Hills mansion. Bullock was alone at the time in her second floor bedroom, which can only have made the encounter even more terrifying. Bullock apparently crept towards her bedroom security door in order to close it when she saw a man - now named as Joshua James Corbett - standing outside.

Fortunately, Bullock had time to shut the door and immediately called the Los Angeles police. Soon after armed police arrived and apprehended the 39-year-old stalker. Reportedly, as Corbett was being led away by police, he shouted to Bullock "Sandy, I'm sorry. Please don't press charges."

Image caption Bullock was alone when Corbett broke in.

It is uncertain how long Corbett was in the house. Bullock had attended Spike TV's Guys Choice 2014 Awards the previous night and had returned home at around 1am on 8th June. She was woken a little after 6am by the noise which appears to have been the result of Corbett rummaging through her possessions.

TMZ obtained the search warrants which detail how Corbett was carrying a notebook filled with pictures of The Heat actress. Also enclosed in the notebook were Corbett's writings in which he claimed Bullock was his wife. He reportedly wrote "I will forever be thinking of you and Louie, my son, as you are my wife by law, the law of God and you belong to me and me to you."

Image caption Bullock immediately called the police and managed to remain in her secure bedroom when she discovered the intruder.


Image caption Alec Baldwin's stalker was imprisioned last year and recently freed.

Writings in the notebook also suggested Corbett had been watching Bullock's house for days, as the LA Times reports. He had also managed to enter the house despite the security fence and cameras. Detectives assumed Corbett had somehow managed to scale the security fence and entered the house through a rear patio door. Corbett claimed he was actually doing the actress a favour by breaking in to her house and merely wanted to show the security Bullock had in place was inadequate.

Yet the danger Corbett posed to the 49-year-old actress was even more evident when LAPD officers searched his house and discovered, asCNN reports, a vast number of weapons including six illegal machine guns. Corbett has been charged with 19 felony counts including seven counts of possession of a machine gun, two counts of possession of an assault weapon and 10 counts of possession of a destructive device. If convicted, Corbett could face up to 12 years in prison.

There has been an alarming number of stalking incidents reported over the past few years and those who have been affected include Ellen Page, Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lopez, and Alec Baldwin. A number of the people convicted on stalking charges have been receiving psychiatric treatment including Gomez's stalker, Che Cruz, who was ordered to seek treatment in a psychiatric facility last month.

Read More: Alec Baldwin's Genevieve Sabourin & Other Celebrity Stalkers.

Image caption Selena Gomez's stalker has been ordered to obtain help at a mental health facility.

Jennifer Lopez's stalker lived at her Hampton's house for almost a week before security discovered him.