Ellen Page Slams Pastor On Twitter For Anti-Gay Letter

  • 26 March 2014

Ellen Page won a war of words with a Pastor who attempted to slam her sexuality.

The 27 year-old first revealed that she is gay at a Las Vegas LBGT conference called 'Time to THRIVE', back in February.

At the time she told the gathered crowd, "I'm here today because I'm gay, and because maybe I can make a difference - to help others have an easier and more hopeful time."

The Canadian star described how she was suffering for years for not being honest about her sexuality while in the public eye.

"My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered," she continued. "And I'm standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain.''

Overall, Page was commended for her brave announcement, with many fellow Hollywood stars publically congratulating and showing support for her.

However not all were so kind, an unknown and unnamed pastor wrote an open letter to the 'Juno' actress over Twitter which attempted to denounce her sexuality.

Page didn't waste any time in responding to the pastor's criticism, although it is not known what was said in the letter, the 'Inception' actress's response must have caused him much irritation.

Page's response was a tweet which read, "2 da Pastor who wrote me-Being gay isn't a belief.My soul isnt struggling& I don't want arms of Heavenly Father around me.A girls arms? Yes."

Since posting the tweet on Saturday (March 22nd), it has received over 21,000 favourites, and has been retweeted over 11,000 times.

The post comes in the midst of Neon Trees frontman Tyler Glenn came out as gay.

Image caption Ellen Page slammed the pastor on Twitter