Celebrities And Fans Unleash A Flood Of Love And Support After Ellen Page's Coming Out Speech

  • 16 February 2014

Over the weekend, news of actress Ellen Page’s coming out speech at the Time to THRIVE conference in Los Angeles has spread to even the remotest corners of the internet. Most voices are in support of Page’s decision, thankfully, which marks a significant shift in thinking, although there was virtually no way to not rally in support of Page after her moving, impassioned speech.

Image caption Page teared up during her speech, but she remained composed and well-spoken throughout.

"And I am young, yes, but what I have learned is that love, the beauty of it, the joy of it, and yes, even the pain of it is the most incredible gift to give and to receive as a human being,” the 26-year-old actress said through tears. “And we deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame and without compromise. There are too many kids out there suffering from bullying, rejection or simply being mistreated because of who they are."

The reactions have ranged from surprise to pride, to the inevitable disappointed tweets and statuses of the “now I’ll never get a chance” variety (dear *those people* - the chances were pretty slim anyway). Among these, messages of support, like the following tweet by actress Anna Kendrick, expressed the general sentiment: ”Mad mad mad mad mad mad crazy love and praise for @EllenPage today. Congrats to you, you light, talent, and beauty.”

Frozen’s Kristen Bell was also among the first to congratulate Page, tweeting: “Rivited by @EllenPage’s fabulous speech. So honest & funny & articulate. She Shines. Happy Valentines day to ALL.”

It was an appropriately timed speech indeed. Other spokespersons for Human Rights Campaign also chimed in to congratulate Page on her courage. Lance Bass (a laureate of the HRC Visibility award for 2006) tweeted: ““We love you @ellenpage !! ❤️❤️❤️ #HRC #TimeToThrive.”

The social activist, twitterista and all-round awesome human Sir Patrick Stewart wasn’t far behind with a message of support: “@EllenPage: Thank you @HRC and everyone for all the love and support. X” And I'll chime in with mine.” With that kind of support, it seems like the world is moving in the right direction indeed.