Ashley Cole Subject To Overly-Aggressive Tirade Of Abuse From Drunk American Women

  • 17 September 2013

England and Chelsea footballer Ashley Cole was subject to a wave of abuse from some drunk bar-dwellers whilst sharing a drink with a few of his teammates in Missouri back in May this year. The team were in St. Louis for a friendly against Manchester City and Ash and some of his Chelsea teammates headed out for a few drinks in the town, where he learnt the hard way that American girls really don't care about actual footballers.

Image caption Cole in action for England against Brazil

According to TMZ, who broke the story on Monday, 16 September, Cole and a couple of his Chelsea teammates were at a bar called Hair of the Dog and were about to leave when they apparently got into a dispute with bar staff over how much they tipped. According to witnesses on the scene, the run-in at the bar wasn't heated and was soon resolved, with the guys leaving without any kind of incident arising. However, once they were outside things turned nasty and a group of girls began hurling insults him, and they really weren't holding back on the abuse they gave him.

Image caption The left back recently earned his 100th cap for the national side

"My people don't give two s**ts about you," was one of the insults, and "They (Cole and co.) don't even know how to tip!" was another. Things soon turned much sourer though, as comments like; "I hope this stupid ass gets robbed, gets beat, gets raped right here on the motherf**king sidewalk!" were blurted out by one of the women, which kind of crosses a line really (unless you're a Millwall fan).

The women had much more to say, but Ashley and his teammates apparently kept their cool and walked away without comment. Maybe that's why they lost the game against Man City 4-3.