President's Daughter Jenna Bush Hager Due To Give Birth Next Spring

  • 12 December 2012

Jenna Bush Hager has become the latest high profile celebrity to become knocked up, with her former President father George Bush reported to be delighted with the news.

The former first daughter of President Bush took to the 'Today' show on NBC to reveal the exciting news. "We're so excited and obviously nervous," she confessed. "I'm a first time mom. This is something I've always wanted. I'm a teacher and I love kids." Jenna was surprised on the show by her husband of four years Henry Hager who presented her with a bunch of flowers. The show also rang up her mother and father who 'thrilled' for their daughter. "We're thrilled, we're just absolutely thrilled," said Barbara Bush. "I'm thrilled for Jenna and Henry and thrilled for George and me to have the grandchildren that we've been really looking forward to." The former president admitted that he was "fired up" about the news and is looking forward to telling all his friends.

Jenna, whose baby is due in Spring next year, revealed that they attempted to keep the news a secret for as long as possible. "We've been able to keep it a secret and just us - it's so sacred - for a pretty long time, longer than most, but obviously, I'm going to start getting bigger and bigger," she said.