Stephenie Meyer: I Can't Rule Out More Twilight Books

  • 05 November 2012

We were wondering how long it would be. Just days before the final Twilight movie hits cinemas, author Stephenie Meyer has refused to rule out writing more of the vampire-romance novels. It's likely that fans haven't seen the last of Bella and Edward yet, and we're not just talking about the rumoured television adaptation.

Speaking at a press junket for the new movie, Meyer was quoted by The Metro as saying, "I wouldn't say no absolutely (to more books). I'm not going to do it today, but I don't know how I'm going to feel in five years.I planned out where it would go for a couple more books... there are other characters who I think would have a lot of voice in those coming stories." However, the author did make it clear that she would not be tempted to hand the reins over to somebody else - in the same way that George Lucas sold LucasFilm to Disney - explaining, "I'm a hands-on mum and these characters feel like my kids. I just don't know if that's ever something I'd be fine with. But again, in 10 years, who knows." Last week it was announced that Lucas had sold his brainchild to Disney for a cool $4 billion, with the studio putting plans together to make further Star Wars movies. Meyer's comments come just a month after JK Rowling admitted to the BBC that she wouldn't rule out writing further Harry Potter novels.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2, starring Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, hits cinemas on November 16.