Julian Assange Gets Surprise Visit From Lady Gaga At Ecuadorian Embassy In London

  • 10 October 2012

Julian Assange received an unlikely visitor in the form of Lady GaGa whilst holed up inside the Ecuadorian Embassy, as he attempts to avoid extradition to Sweden, reports The Telegraph.

No one really knows what the pair discussed, but Gaga wasn’t secretive about her visit; she posted a nice picture of her and the controversial Wikileaks founder on her website. Assange probably expects government officials, extradition officers and the odd anarchic admirer to permeate his political safe zone, so the visit of a global pop star must have come as a surprise. M.I.A, who is an active political voice as well as being a popular rapper, tweeted a message to Lady Gaga saying: “If ur at harrods today, come visit Assange at the Ecuador embassy across the st. im there. Ill bring TEA and CAKE (sic).” An embassy spokeswoman confirmed Lady Gaga had visited but said she did not know whether M.I.A. had been there. She said: “People can visit him (Assange) but usually he has his own team set up the appointments.” Devotees of the whistle-blower, who had previously entered in legally binding support of his, are now being forced to come up with they cash they once promised, as Assange has skipped bail with a view to asylum.

Gaga was in London promoting the release of her new perfume when she popped in on Assange. She didn’t have a great time of it though, turning up an hour late and getting booed by the Harrods crowds for her poor timekeeping skills.