Sheryl Crow Gets Behind New Food Campaign To Help Poor Families

  • 27 September 2012

Sheryl Crow is getting behind a new campaign to ensure that America's poorest families have access to healthy meals. The writer of hits like All I Wanna Do, A Change Would Do You Good and Everyday Is A Winding Road has recently been lending a hand at food banks around New York and found herself stunned to see working-class parents having to approach organisers for help to feed their children.

Galvanised, Crow has now started to work with anti-hunger organisations Feeding America and One A Day's Nutrition Mission to ensure that low-income families in the US can get healthy food on the table for them and their children. Talking to Fitness magazine, Crow said "It was eye opening. It's not just homeless people going there. It's moms who need to feed their kids. But people don't talk about it. They're embarrassed." Talking about how little it would take for people to make a huge difference, she continued "Just one dollar can equal eight meals. You can donate a can of food to your food shelter. A can of beans or corn costs less than a dollar but it goes a long way. You can also volunteer your time at a food bank."