Court Action Over Kate Middleton Scandal Unlikely In France And Ireland

  • 17 September 2012

As the Kate Middleton scandal unfolds, a source has told UK newspaper the Daily Mirror that in reality the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband Prince William aren't expecting to be able to successfully win a court ruling against Italian and Irish publications who printed topless pictures of Middleton on holiday.

The source claimed to the paper that "Their motto is keep calm and carry on." Continuing, they added "They have had some time to take this in and talk it through and their anger has subsided. They are not actors, they could not be behaving as they had today if they were still furious about it. They have put it to bed and it has given them some closure to know legal action is being pursued."

It seems that chances of punishing the Irish Daily Star and Italy's Chi Magazine are remote. "We have been advised there is not a realistic chance of bringing successful action in Italy and Ireland so the Duke and Duchess have accepted there is little they can do here" the source said. "We are keeping our options open and haven't ruled out action in other countries but time and resources are an issue." However, Closer, the French magazine which originally ran with the pictures, is still being targeted, with the source commenting "They are committed to redressing what they feel is the serious wrong done to them in what ways they can. They want to make sure French Closer and the ¬photographer are held to account and to prevent this from happening again."