Freddie Mercury Makes Comeback As Freddie The 'Angry Bird'

  • 05 September 2012

Freddie Mercury is gone but his legacy has not been forgotten, the legendary Queen front man often returning in grand and, on some occasions, bewildering ways. A good example of the latter would be that the multi-octaved one has recently been made into a character for the hit game Angry Birds, his trademark moustache and stubble noticeable on the yellow bird, whilst they are also wearing a white vest just like Fred used to wear back in the day. Toppping it all off is a wonderful crown.
The reason behind the character creation is because it will mark a charity dinner being held in his honour. Mercury of course passed away from complications with the sexually transmitted virus Aids back in 1991, and since then the Mercury Phoenix Trust has been dedicated to raising funds to help find a cure for the disease. Mercury's former band mates Roger Taylor and Brian May will both be attending the dinner in London.
Limited edition t-shirts are being made with pictures of Freddie The Angry Bird on the front of them, with proceeds headed to the charity, whilst the games creators Rovio have made a YouTube video of Freddie's character riding a bike to the soundtrack of Queen hit Bicycle Race.