Jake Shears Grateful To Ghost

  • 12 June 2012

Jake Shears says Amanda Ghost was a ''godsend'' when it came to recording Scissor Sisters' new album.

The glam rock group - made up of Jake, Ana Matronic, Babydaddy, Del Marquis and Randy Real - completed their latest album 'Magic Hour' within three months and Jake says it was all down to producer Amanda's hard work.

He said: ''We started late August, and the last song we wrote for it was 'Baby Come Home' in November. To write a record in two or three months, for us, is lightning time.

''I just felt really relaxed this time, and we were more organised. It was all down to our producer Amanda Ghost, who just arranged everything. She'd say 'You're in Miami, then in the studio with Pharrell Williams, and the following week you're in New York. Next week we'll revise these songs...' An absolute godsend, this last year she's been one of my favourite people. We're disciplined and we work a lot, but when someone else gives you the deadline, you have to do it.''

Jake also revealed how working with Pharrell Williams was very exciting although ''intimidating''.

He told the Yorkshire Evening Post: ''Usually when we collaborate it's with someone we've met before or know already. We're all massive fans of his, but we'd never met. Then we had a couple of conversations with him, and he came to our studio in New York and we built Inevitable from scratch, from keyboards and bass. It was really exciting. Intimidating might be the wrong word, but no, it was. He's incredibly talented. You have be on top of your game to work with him.''