Clay Aiken Wears Hoodie To Bring Attention To Trayvon Martin Death

  • 26 March 2012

Singer Clay Aiken has taken to wearing hoodies in TV interviews as a "tribute" to slain teenager Trayvon Martin.
The former American Idol star was stunned to hear of the African-American student's February (12) shooting death at the hands of a Florida neighbourhood watch volunteer, and like many celebrities, he's taking action.
Appearing on TV shows in America on Monday (26Jan12) promoting reality TV show Celebrity Apprentice, Aiken explained the hoodie look was "in memory of Trayvon Martin," and added, "We're hoping for justice in that case. That's a story that has angered a lot of Americans... This could have been anybody's child."
Until the end of last week (ends23Mar12), the volunteer, George Zimmerman, had not been arrested for killing Martin, who was reportedly unarmed.
Aiken says, "It's pretty infuriating that someone can shoot somebody and not be arrested for it."