Chris Pine Had Unstoppable Intimidation

  • 12 November 2010

Chris Pine was "intimidated" by Denzel Washington on the set of 'Unstoppable'.

The 'Star Trek' actor - who stars alongside the Hollywood legend in the movie adaptation of a true story concerning two railway workers who are trying to stop an out of control train - found the project more scary than any other he had done because Denzel is "the best".

He said: "It's very intimidating. Probably more so than any other experience. I wanted to bring my A-game because I knew I was going toe-to-toe with one of the best of all time."

The 30-year-old hunk had additional worries shooting the stunts for the film, but had a "great" double who did the hard work.

He said: "You're working with actual trains, obviously, so there's no CG, there's nothing fake about it.

"There are trains going really fast, and you have to hang off trains or jump on the train, and thank god we had a wonderful stunt team behind us.

"I had a great stunt double. I would try to do everything I could within reason, but once it got really hairy, that's when I stepped back and went to video village, got my seat, got my drink and watched the action unfold with everybody else."