John Galliano To Meet Woman He Allegedly Insulted

  • 28 February 2011

John Galliano will meet the woman he is accused of insulting in an altercation at a Paris cafe last week.

The designer has been ordered by the public prosecutor's office in the French capital to see Geraldine Bloch, whom he is said to have made anti-Semitic statements to during a drunken episode last Thursday (24.02.11).

Bloch claimed to police officers she was called a "dirty Jew face" by Galliano, who also threatened her friend Philippe Virgitti.

The sartorialist was subsequently arrested and suspended by fashion label Dior on the eve of Paris fashion week.

Galliano is now making an attempt to salvage his reputation and job, and has claimed through his lawyer and witness statements he never uttered racist or anti-Semitic slurs.

Dior is also going ahead with its fashion show, scheduled for Friday (04.03.11), and Galliano's signature show, to take place on Sunday (06.03.11).

However, the British designer faces further accusations of racism, after he was filmed in the same bar where he is said to have insulted Bloch by allegedly saying: "I love Hitler".

In a video seen by The Sun newspaper the couturier reportedly makes his statement about the Nazi leader - who planned and instigated the Holocaust which led to 6,000,000 Jewish people losing their lives - before telling a woman: "People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f**king gassed."

The man who filmed the designer's rant explained how it happened, saying: "Galliano was sitting alone nursing his drink, when a few of us sat at the next table.

"Galliano kept intruding, throwing in comments about us and what we were saying. We knew who he was.

"We were stunned by what Galliano was saying, but then he started making vile anti-Semitic comments. His words were disgusting. He made it clear the Italian girls weren't welcome and should go home. This was pure racism."