Abba Singer Betrayed By Biographer

  • 12 November 2004

Reclusive ABBA singer [Agnetha Faltskog]( is fuming after discovering her former official biographer is selling new revelations about her love life to the highest bidder.

Swedish writer BRITA AHMAN ghost-wrote Faltskog's 1997 autobiography AS I AM: ABBA - BEFORE AND BEYOND, but now the pair have fallen out, Ahman is selling previously unheard tapes of Faltskog discussing her marriage to Abba bandmate BJORN ULVAEUS.

Ahman boasts her collection of recordings and photographs is "interesting, especially five tapes of conversations I had with Agnetha which were never used because she didn't want the material in the book.

"There are very revealing secrets. Agnetha has led an interesting life - it would make a great film or soap opera.

"I don't know who might buy these things or what will happen to them, but my grandson and I are looking at various auction places."

According to reports Faltskog and Ahman fell out when the author warned the star about dating truck driver GERT VAN DER GRAAF - 16 years her junior. The WATERLOO hitmaker later went to court to stop Van Der Graaf stalking her after their relationship ended.

12/11/2004 13:55