Electric Six Upset Queen Fans With Radio Ga Ga Video

  • 24 November 2004

[Electric Six](https://contactmusic.6lgx.com/electric-six) rocker DICK VALENTINE has defended his band's latest video after receiving threatening emails from enraged [Queen](https://contactmusic.6lgx.com/queen) fans accusing him of disrespectfully dancing on [Freddie Mercury](https://contactmusic.6lgx.com/freddie-mercury)'s grave.

Electric Six release a cover of Queen classic RADIO GA GA next month (09DEC04). The promo film sees Valentine dressed in a white leotard pretending to be Mercury's ghost as he dances in front of a grave stone bearing the name FREDERICK BULSARA - Mercury's real name.

And the video, which was intended to be humorous, has infuriated some Queen fans.

Valentine, who was born TYLER SPENCER, says, "We have emails saying that I am dancing on Freddie Mercury's grave, but that wasn't the idea. We were trying to show him being resurrected from the grave for three and a half minutes.

"Some of the emails have been vitriolic. I guess a video like that can be taken the wrong way, but we hadn't looked at it like that.

"(Guitarist) [Brian May](https://contactmusic.6lgx.com/brian-may) hasn't seen it and nor have the other members of Queen, so I am not sure what they will think, but I would like to get their reaction.

"In terms of the response we've had, some people think it's brilliant. To the others, we can only apologise. We never meant for it to be taken that way."

24/11/2004 14:13